Beginning in September 2014, the development team will be gradually upgrading clients to the v2.12 release of Metro Publisher. Here is what to expect from this release.
NEW Features & Updates
- In-line Media for Content By popular demand, you can now add multiple media types in-line with your content.
- Content tags passed to DFP for custom targeting For clients using DFP as your ad server, you can now use tags to use DFP's custom targeting. This means you can have specific ads show up on content by tag.
- New location types Various new location types have been added based on specific requests from clients.
- Instagram added to social media chicklets You can now add Instagram to your social media links in the header.
- Email field added to location pages An email field has been added to the public facing location pages.
- And more As always, this release also includes many updates and improvements under the hood that help improve site performance and search optimization.