The latest release of Metro Publisher includes two great new features to help publishers promote their advertisers and enhance their content – Sponsored Events and a Wide Feature Image for content.
Starting July 23rd, 2019, our development team will be gradually upgrading all clients to the new release. If you can't wait to try it out, let us know via the support site and will put you at the head of the queue.
Sponsored Events
For clients using Metro Publisher's Directory Add-on, there are now configurable options to display sponsored events in your event calendars. With a highlighted appearance, sponsored events provide publishers yet another tool for promoting advertisers.
Details of Sponsored Events:
- Special styling anywhere that content appears.
- Display up to five sponsored events at top of event searches.
- Display up to five sponsored events in the right rail of event searches.
- Pro users can customize the look and feel.
Wide Feature Image for Content
All Metro Publisher content types now include a Wide Feature Image. This is a large image that spans the width of the page above the content area and right rail. Really pump up your content visually with this new feature. It's easy!
Details of the Wide Feature Image:
- Spans the width of the page.
- Positioned above the content area and the right rail.
- Article title, date, and byline style and positioning determined by theme.
- Pro users can customize the look, feel, and positioning.